There are many good reasons why end-users have standardised on the CC-Link family of open networks. Today we are listing three of the more important ones
Reason one. High noise immunity
CC-Link has a very high tolerance to electro-magnetic noise (EMI) compared to other fieldbuses, and users do not need to worry about earthing problems or using special EMI connectors when installing. Uniquely, noise immunity is part of the CC-Link Conformance test for all certified products. Look out for the CC-link logo
Reason two. Floating network master function ?
Even if a fault occurs on the network master station, the standby master will automatically maintain network communications. Up to 26 standby masters are permitted per network, with each standby master being able to have completely different operating programmes if needed so suit failure situations. Look out for the CC-link logo
Reason three. Detaching slave function
This automatically removes a slave station that has a fault or for maintenance and allows communication with all other stations to continue without affecting network reaction times. This feature is fairly unique to CC-Link, and allows for the creation of truly flexible production line configurations. Look out for the CC-link logo