There are many good reasons why end-users have standardised on the CC-Link family of open networks. Continuing from our 25 May 2010 post we are listing a further three of the more important ones.
Reason four. Automatic return function
This feature allows all network devices to be replaced while the network is operating and automatically returns a disconnected station to the data link when a fault is corrected, without need to reset the network. This feature overcomes the need for network resetting on instances such as local power failures or safety switch activations that remove power to the local network stations on the machine. Look out for the CC-link logo
Reason five. Hot swap of stations (masters and slaves).
On CC-Link you can hot swap stations without any effect on the network cycle times and without creating errors. Reconnection can also be on-line without stopping the network. This feature is a production downtime saving feature as there is no need to stop the network for station repairs. Look out for the CC-link logo
Reason six. Station bypass.
Stations can be selected as bypassed without effect on cycle time for flexible production lines and easy maintenance. This feature is also useful when creating a future proof network topology as it allows the setup for the network to be created in the Master but the actual hardware stations to be added on gradually or at a later date. These stations can be activated without stopping or resetting the network, saving lost production or additional software writing and commissioning time. Look out for the CC-link logo
If you missed the first three, here’s a summary……………Benefits of using CC-Link 1 to 6